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Rejeuvenation and Alignment in Mexico 1
7 Day Retreat: Saturday, February 8th at 3 pm to Saturday, February 15th <br>Daily Movement, Sound Healing, Experiential Classes, DNA Activations, Meditations, Body Awareness Classes, Earth Connection and Intuitive Development.<br>All Meals and Drinks during your stay - prepared by our personal chef<br>Lodging at Villa Las Bancas 7 nights (limited space avail)<br><br>Use of the extensive grounds, private beach and local excursions to San Pancho and surrounding towns.
$2,700.00 - $3,600.00
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Rejeuvenation and Alignment in Mexico
7 Day Retreat: Saturday, February 8th at 3 pm to Saturday, February 15th <br>Daily Movement, Sound Healing, Experiential Classes, DNA Activations, Meditations, Body Awareness Classes, Earth Connection and Intuitive Development.<br>All Meals and Drinks while at the retreat at Villa Las Bancas - prepared by our personal chef<br>Lodging arranged separately.<br>Use of the extensive grounds, private beach and local excursions to San Pancho and surrounding towns.
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Mount Shasta Coherence Retreat with Lodging
5 Day Retreat with lodging at Guru Shasta for 4 nights: Wednesday 6/18 to Sunday 6/22 at noon<br>Daily Movement, Sound Baths and Healing, Breathwork, Experiential Classes, Cooking Class, Excursions, Journaling, Free Time, IR Sauna<br>All Meals during your stay - prepared by expert Vegan chef, Elaina Love<br>Use of the extensive grounds and local excursions to Mount Shasta town, freshwater spring, and hiking at magical Mt. Shasta. <br>Payment can be made using Zelle: 831-227-5411 to Hummingbird Connections<br>Please inquire if credit card payment is preferred at:<br><br>The cabins and tents listed below each have different bed configurations; the prices shown are per person/bed. They are a shared accommodation. Every person in the room must pay the price listed. If you would like to book a cabin or glamping tent as a private accommodation, the price will be higher than listed, and you can inquire at: <br>Each cabin/tent is heated with comfortable and warm beds, beautiful rugs + decor, crystals and artwork. Bathroom and showers are just steps away.
$1,950.00 - $2,350.00
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Mount Shasta Coherence Retreat - No Lodging
5 Day Retreat: Wednesday 6/18 to Sunday 6/22 at noon<br>Daily Movement, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Experiential Classes, Excursions to Sacred Energy Sites on Mt. Shasta, Cooking Class, Journaling, Free Time<br>All Meals during your stay - prepared by expert Vegan chef, Elaina Love<br>Use of the extensive grounds and local excursions to Mount Shasta town, freshwater spring, and hiking at magical Mt. Shasta.
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Recordings of Light Vibes Together Live December 2022
Two Live Gatherings recordings.<br><br>Thursday December 8th<br>Tuesday December 20th<br><br>You will receive access to the page with the recordings with your purchase.
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Recordings of Light Vibes Together Live October 2022
Three Live Gatherings in the calendar month Join Live or Catch the Recording!<br>October 1 - October 31<br><br>Live Gathering Recordings - Discussion and Meditation<br>Wednesday October 12th<br>Wednesday October 19th <br>Wednesday October 26th <br>You will receive a PDF with the Gathering information and links and access to a page with the meeting details and gathering recordings with your purchase.
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Recordings of Light Vibes Together Live November 2022
Two Live Gatherings in the month Join Live or Catch the Recording!<br><br>Tuesday November 15th 5pm PST<br>Tuesday November 29th 5pm PST<br><br>You will receive access to the page with the meeting details and recordings with your purchase.
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11:11 Meditation to Connect to Your Heart Song
Allow yourself to take a break and spend some time saturating yourself in the vibrational frequency of your heart song. Discover its tone, frequency, feel, and texture by listening to the recording and then allowing the sound and frequency to flow from your being. As you radiate energy from your heart, allow its energy and sound to flow from your vocal cords to create your heart song.<br><br>Instructions for finding your heart song:<br><br>1. listen to the recording below to connect to your heart.<br><br>2. radiate energy from your heart and begin to give a sound through your vocal cords.<br><br>Using your heart song:<br><br>Whenever you are embarking on a new idea, creation, or direction, connect to your heart and sing your heart song. Imagine that the vibration of your song is becoming infused into everything you say, do, create, and touch. Your heart song is your signature imprint of energy that you share with the world.
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Adapting Immunity to the New Environment
This meditation and set of tones is offered to help your body balance itself in to our new Earth environment and respond appropriately and swiftly to any new pathogenic input.<br><br>The meditation can be used daily to bolster the immune system, bring the nervous system into a relaxed state, and raise your conscious observation skills.
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Aligning to Your Soul Energy
What lights you up and gives you a feeling of connection, flow, and harmony in your body and your life?<br><br>This is your clue as to what is in alignment with your soul's driving purpose during this lifetime. Let go of expecting it to be a monumental goal that has its aim at changing humanity through large actions, it's more likely that many small actions of the collective make up the whole of our energy field. The more people who are aligned to their soul's energy field and higher consciousness, the better the collective energy field feels.
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Aquada (Er Miao Wan)<br><br>Huang Bai (from 30-year-old plant) - Harvest time June, 2018<br><br>Cang Zhu (wildcrafted) - Harvest time August, 2018<br><br>Dosage: Take 10-25 micro pills, 2-3 times a day<br><br>Net Weight: 19 g ( 0.70 oz )<br><br>Highlights of our Er Miao Wan that you’ll not find anywhere else:<br><br>1. Huang Bai is from 30-year-old trees which contains higher active ingredients<br><br>2. Cang Zhu and Huang Bai are properly processed with ancient methods to ultimately maintain its potency of draining dampness without hurting the Yin with the reduced dryness nature.<br><br>3. A dream team of 7 experts from 2 universities are seeing to levels of detail that aren’t recorded in herb books. This is where science meets art.
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Chakra Clearing and Opening Meditation and Tones
To allow the energy to flow freely up from the Earth and into our bodies along our chakras, the Mantis Collective offers a meditation with tones at the throat chakra (Om and Ah) for you to repeat to adjust and open your energy field and chakras. Maree will take us through each chakra to open and align it to the energy flow from the Earth.<br>
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Clearing and Activating the Spleen/Pancreas Complex
This meditation and tones focus on clearing and enhancing the activity of the spleen. Our spleen functions as the body's blood filter, removing unwanted damaged red blood cells and detecting signs of bacterial infection when necessary. It stores blood and can replenish the body's blood supply if need be. It is also energetically connected to our pancreas and in Chinese medicine, the function of both organs are often associated with each other as the spleen/pancreas official. Therefore, this meditation also addresses the function of the pancreas responsible for managing our blood sugar levels through the release of insulin and manages digestion through the release of digestive enzymes.<br><br>The overall energy of clearing and enhanced function clears old patterns of worry and anxiety that can be stored in these two organs and brings them back into balance. The theme is to clear old energetic patterns and toxins to allow the body to function better.
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Clearing the Heart Channels with Sound Bowls and Tones
The sound frequencies of bowls and tones clear the heart channels and DNA of old traumas in order to make space for new frequencies of potential to vibrationally activate your DNA. Freedom and pure expression of our soul energy are experienced when the heart channels are open and flowing, uninhibited by old energies no longer needed.<br><br>This meditation will open your heart, clear your DNA, and align you to the potentials available to us now on Earth.<br><br>Enjoy!<br><br>* Audio files are provided in both the .mp4a and .,mp3 formats.
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Clearing the Morphogenic Field of Our DNA
Our DNA and its morphogenic field have been a constant in the shared journey of humanity. It is always running in the background bringing forth our soul’s intentions of experience to expand the evolution of All That Is.<br><br>We are living in and through an incredible time of transition for our DNA and its magical energy field. Each day we are bathed in cosmic waves of information and activating energy bringing forth more and more of our DNA’s true abilities to form and function. We each have a unique blueprint of DNA, but we all have something in common in regards to that blueprint – we are only accessing the expression of just a portion of it. The regions of your DNA that have been erroneously named “junk DNA” are actually quite the opposite. Those areas carry vast amounts of information and unlock the key to you accessing your true nature. Within that code is the part of you that knows itself as an expression of Source, and has no doubt about what to do with that knowledge and how to serve self and other as a vehicle of its own evolution.
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CULTIVATING RESILIENCE: Balancing to Your Environment
Your body is an incredible electromagnetic sensing device that is capable of interacting and reading its environment down to very sensitive levels. <br><br>While this can be an enormous benefit to us, it can also create resistance and a stress response in the body’s nervous system when we do not operate in our environment from a place of neutrality. <br><br>These tones will help you to release resistance and become an adept observer of your reality so that you can maintain a place of peaceful observation.
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CULTIVATING RESILIENCE: Immune System Boost - Free
This meditation and tones are designed to bring your body’s immune system into a state of peaceful operation and precision response to unwanted microbes. Over-active immune systems can be triggered by stressful experiences, long term emotional trauma, and our changing energetic environment. These tones will help your system come into balance so that it is responding appropriately to outside stimuli.
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CULTIVATING RESILIENCE: Stress Reduction and Balance
This Stress Reduction and Heart-Brain-Microbiome Balancing tones and meditation are offered to bring the body and its 3 main systems control centers into alignment and balance. Stress has an enormous impact on the body and its ability to deal with pathogens swiftly, regulate hormones, manage digestion and sequester nutrients, and much more. Your mental, emotional, and physical health depend upon reducing stress, staying balanced, peaceful and calm. These tones are designed to help you do just that.
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Eagle Heart
This meditation will open the channel for the bi-directional flow of information and energy between the pineal and the heart.<br><br>We relate this meditation to the eagle for its keen sense of its environment and the ability to see with laser accuracy from great distances as well as eagle's incredible heart intelligence and symbol as a talisman of freedom from restriction. When one knows their heart, they know their truth as an inherent and constant flow of creation and expansion from the Source of all that is.
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JOY CODE: Angel Collective - Expanding to Resonate with Your Truth
The Angelic Collective reminds us and connects us of our truth. They impart knowledge about how embodying that truth enables us to not only connect deeply with our God-self, but to also allow our higher self to operate our reality on a consistent basis.
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